Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Okay, so I have no camera-still. It should be here soon, I hope. This weekend is Riley's 6th birthday party with his friends. His actual birthday is March 26th which happens to fall right between Easter and spring break. He has invited some of his friends from school and a couple of kids from the neighborhood. I think we will have 12-13 here + our kids! Luckily my sister, Marcie, will be here to take care of Morgan and my mom has graciously volunteered to help keep the other kiddos busy! Morgan had her 6 month check up today and she is a healthy 17lbs 1oz (75%), 27" (90%) and has a big head! She is growing wonderfully and is so happy. Her brothers are AMAZING with her and love her to pieces. I seriously have the best kids! Also the Dr told me to start trying soy and eventually dairy with her-YEAH!!! For those of you that don't know, Morgan has had a milk protein intolerance which has greatly influenced her and my diet. That means no dairy at all. So, to have even a little dairy will be wonderful! Well mommy duties call but I will hopefully have the camera back soon and new photos of Riley's party.


Anonymous said...

Wend, I can't believe you guys had 13 kids there, I bet your glad it's over :) But what I really can't believe is that Riley is 6!! Oh my goodness!! Tell everyone hi! Love ya!!!

Will, Shawna, Gaines and Ana said...

Wendi, guess we had bday parties the same day. Our little guys are getting so old!