I can't believe that I am saying this... Morgan wil be one on Sunday. What an amazing blessing she has been to us and I thank God every day for my amazing and beautful family. Morgan's arrival was one of anticipation and one of new hope. God called grandma home 2 days (a year ago today) before Morgan was born. This was all God's plan, but trust me when I say it was FAR from easy. Grandma was our teacher, our mentor and, for myself personally, a true friend. Morgan Margaret Suzanne Baker brought a smile to many faces during this very tough time. She is a tiny tot (unlike her brothers) who loves baby dolls and is proving to be a girly girl. She ADORES her brothers and looks out the window every day calling for "dada". She is also a TALKER! Anyone who has called knows how that girl can talk (aka-babble)! She is hysterical! The boys are VERY protective of her and love on her all the time. She is wonderful. Here are few pictures from this year so you can see how much she's changed.
Happy Birthday my little Suzie-Q!
Happy Birthday MORGAN!! Has it been a year already?! Give the boys a hug for me! Love you guys!
Happy Birthday, Morgan!
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