Hello all! I hope that everyone is well and enjoying the cool weather. This summer was very cool here in Midland. I think we hit 90 only once or twice. School has begun and we have Riley in 2nd grade and Carter the big kindergardener. Both seem to be adjusting well and learning a lot. Carter is really enjoying school and always informs me he loves Mondays as he has library- my bookworm- and computer. He has proudly brought home projects from school and thinks that everything is a treaure. Riley is the big stuff on campus and is everyones friend. He is in soccer again and is really improving. He is the clown and the cheerleader on the team. He also is doing well and has grown so much- literally. When they are teenagers we are in trouble! Morgan turned 2! I can't believe it!! She it talking and knows what she wants! The next task will be potty training- yikes. I am hoping that will go smoothly. Keith is very busy with work and in on a committe to decide which 4 schools in Midland to close. It is getting close to the wire so things are getting more tense. Not an easy task to say the least. I am getting busier with my jewelry business. I have a few shows coming up and a couple open houses. I have been so lucky to have the positive reponse that I've had! People are very interested in my work and have been so kind-thank you!!!!! Well I hope to update sooner, but I always say that. Here are a few photos from the past couple months- enjoy!
Hello! I know, know, long time, no blog. I am finding that managing 3 kids and a hubby is a challenge at times. Not a whole lot to report at this time but I will try and break it down one at a time.
Riley- is now a second grader- ahhh! He just finished his first year of all day school and is now reading and writing like a pro. He has grown so much! I also mean that literally- he is the tallest in his class! He loves soccer and seems to be improving more and more. He still dreams of being a farmer and just spent the last few days taking care of baby calves, cleaning up manure (which he loved) and doing anything else to get dirty. Needless to say my dad is one proud papa!
Carter- is now a kindergartner---AHHH! He is my little book worm and can still be found reading and writing. He LOVED preschool and made so many friends- they all became so close. He is the one most often inside, but loved being outside today catching toads with Riley. ( They caught 7!) He also has grown a foot and is trying to read and is writing all the time. My baby is not a baby.
Miss Morgan- is a toddler--BIG AHHHH! Our last one is now talking, walking and actually has hair! She is a sweetheart and loves to give hugs and kisses. She is a big Sesame Street fan and is mommy's helper. She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She is truly a completion to our family and we feel blessed everyday we get one of those hugs or kisses.
Dad & Mom (aka- Keith & Wendi)- We are holding our own. Keith is very busy with work and a church softball league. We did get to go to Grand Rapids for a couple days in May which was very nice-even though Morgan tagged along. Keith is still City Planner of Midland(thought I should add that considering the unemployment rate for MI is 14%!) and staying VERY busy with lots of meetings and activities. He is often found outside playing baseball with the boys when has a chance though. As for me I am doing all the mommy duties. I was room parent this year and found myself planning all the parties and trying to implement them. I tried to help out at Carter's preschool when I could and spent some time with the preschool mom's when I could. In regards to the dreaded asthma- it still is annoying and problematic. I spent a week in the hospital the end of April but I am trying out a new drug that - I'm praying- will offer some relief. It has truly been a struggle.
Thank you all for your prayers and continued support and I will try and do better with this whole blogging thing-sorry! Take care!!!! =)
Hello all, I am so sorry that my blogging has been so bad. We have had a rough January and a busy February. To make a long story short, Jan 3rd I ended up in the emergency room (yes, again) with what I thought was aminor astha attack. Well, I ended up having a bad asthma attack and bronchitis so guess who ended up staying at Oaklawn Hospital in Marshall, MI- me. Let me tell you it was far from fun. I had an inexperienced Dr who gave me too much meds, the wrong meds, etc and left me in a very drug induced state. I do not remember an entire week! Poor Keith, he picked up the slack and I must say did a very fine job. We owe a HUGE thank you to our families who have been our support through all of this. They have been there through some really rough days. Another huge thank you to everyone who called, sent a card, sent flowers, visited, etc. You will never know what a HUGe impact it made. THANK YOU!! Okay, so back to the good stuff. Riley lost his first tooth! He was so worried it was going to hurt and it came out on its own. I am just waiting for the rest to start falling out- poor tooth fairy! Carter is loving school and trying so hard to read. He is really ready to learn and I know he with catch on very fast. He is just a happy little dude. Morgan is busy! She is such a girl and loves baby dolls and anything that sparkles. She sings all the time and has 6 teeth now. I am pretty sure that the others are going to be in soon. Keith is working hard and is getting into a busy season. He is loved by the community and has had some challenges come up that he has handled like a pro. We are all so proud of him. So, that's about all with us. We are waiting for spring to come- HURRY- and I'm praying we can go somewhere warm soon! (I need a vacation!) God Bless all of you and we pray you are all doing well.