Hello all! I hope that everyone is well and enjoying the cool weather. This summer was very cool here in Midland. I think we hit 90 only once or twice. School has begun and we have Riley in 2nd grade and Carter the big kindergardener. Both seem to be adjusting well and learning a lot. Carter is really enjoying school and always informs me he loves Mondays as he has library- my bookworm- and computer. He has proudly brought home projects from school and thinks that everything is a treaure. Riley is the big stuff on campus and is everyones friend. He is in soccer again and is really improving. He is the clown and the cheerleader on the team. He also is doing well and has grown so much- literally. When they are teenagers we are in trouble! Morgan turned 2! I can't believe it!! She it talking and knows what she wants! The next task will be potty training- yikes. I am hoping that will go smoothly. Keith is very busy with work and in on a committe to decide which 4 schools in Midland to close. It is getting close to the wire so things are getting more tense. Not an easy task to say the least. I am getting busier with my jewelry business. I have a few shows coming up and a couple open houses. I have been so lucky to have the positive reponse that I've had! People are very interested in my work and have been so kind-thank you!!!!! Well I hope to update sooner, but I always say that. Here are a few photos from the past couple months- enjoy!
Love the pictures! They grow up so quickly! I just can't be old enough to be doing 2nd generation kiddos! :) Luv Ya!!
Love the pictures! They grow up so quickly! I just can't be old enough to be doing 2nd generation kiddos! :) Luv Ya!!
Sorry! Patty :)
It is about time. Thanks for the update. I will expect another one in 6 months!
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