Okay, it has been over a week since I have posted anything but I have 2 very good excuses. Our family has been sick- not the little cold sick, but the fever that last a week sick. I have 2 on meds and praying I don't have to take someone else to the dr! Secondly, my new camera has decided that it doesn't want to upload pictures. Mind you this camera is new as of Christmas! So, I have to send it to the fix-it shop and get it repaired. Grumble, grumble!! As I mentioned we are all, hopefully, on the mends after a month full of illness. Riley is getting ready to turn 6 and planning his big party. I think he adds a new guest every day! Carter is now my defiant 3 year old who has decided to test the waters. He has been a stinker!! Morgan is rolling everywhere! She will really enjoy crawling and is mostly all smiles. She does add an occasional moment of screaming just for kicks and grins. I am going to try and post a few photos that I do have. (I have to get more photos of Riley- he's is anti pictures lately!) I will try and get more up as soon as I can!